Get To Know My Aspen Grove Blog

Welcome to a blog about the people that make up my root system. My life is better because of my connections to these individuals.

What’s remarkable about the Pando Aspen Grove pictured above and its aerial view below? It’s the largest organism on Earth. While the trees are independent stems, they share a root system that’s thousands of years old, meaning they’re all connected and literally grounded together. The Pando Aspen Grove is made up of 106 acres in central Utah and weighs about 13 million pounds. Talk about a sturdy community!

Who in my grove keeps me grounded and holds me up? Which part of my community pushes me toward growth?I hope this series of writings about the important people in my life allows you to explore my Aspen Grove, while reflecting on your own.

Get to Know _____________, They Make My Life Better.

I’m only a fan of small talk if it’s about golf, books, or soccer (in that order). There’s one monumental exception to my rule of small talk. I can be coaxed into enjoying small talk if it is with someone I love and desire to know better.

This mini series—maybe not so mini—is a collection of installments about the select individuals with whom I enjoy small talk. These people make my life immeasurably better, and I think it’s worth your time to get to know them. Hey, maybe you’ll even get a chance to talk to them about the weather…and enjoy it!

To be clear, this Get to Know ________ series is not about small talk, it’s about the individuals that make small talk worth tolerating.

If you know me and my family, the first installment has to be: Get to Know Sarah, She Makes My Life Better.

  • Get to Know Adam, He Makes Life Better
     And now, for the one who made me a middle child. You know I’d love to stay here and brood on that for a while, but many of you seem to find my birth order bitterness to be distasteful. I’ve been chewing that middle child resentment cud for almost 40 years and I find it delicious. In truth, as you take in the views of these wonderful people with whom… Read more: Get to Know Adam, He Makes Life Better
  • Get to Know Julie, She Makes Life Better
    My brother, early in his teenage years, sat comfortably in the living room. On this dark evening he thought he was nestled in the safe and secure confines of our home. He had a view of both the front door and back sliding glass door. He assumed they were locked. His misperceived safety led to what would become the most threatening encounter ever to be experienced inside that home. As… Read more: Get to Know Julie, She Makes Life Better
  • Get to Know Wes, He Makes Life Better
    This is a toughie due to the many potential pitfalls. I’m a dad on a bragging broadcast about my son—bad look. I’m a dad publicly boasting about my preteen, self-conscious kid—the worst look for a middle schooler. But, I have to tell you about this sapling in my Aspen Grove that adds vitality, vigor, and worth to my days! So here’s my solution: I’m sticking to the prompt, “Get to… Read more: Get to Know Wes, He Makes Life Better
  • Get to Know Sarah, She Makes Life Better
    Do your life a favor and marry a therapist. Not just any therapist, preferably a counselor who passionately desires to make the lives around them better.  My wife, Sarah, is intentional about progress. Progress in love, contentment, faith, healing, and restoration. She’s passionate about journeying everyday life with her husband, so much so that he becomes an exceedingly better human each day. I’m not sure if compound interest applies to… Read more: Get to Know Sarah, She Makes Life Better